Attract new customers, make them come again and offer a service none of your competitors do.
Attract new customers, make them come again and offer a service none of your competitors do.
Attract new customers, make them come again and offer a service none of your competitors do.
Attract new customers, make them come again and offer a service none of your competitors do.
Trusted by Scandinavia's healthiest companies.
The demand for massage is growing. I'd be very happy with a robot at my clinic to act as an extra "hand".
The demand for massage is growing. I'd be very happy with a robot at my clinic to act as an extra "hand".
Offer robot massage
among the first
Offer robot massage
among the first
Stand out by offering your members cutting-edge wellness with our massage robot! Provide 24/7 access to high-quality, consistent massages designed for muscle recovery and relaxation after workouts.
Bring next-level recovery to your fitness center today!
Stand out by offering your members cutting-edge wellness with our massage robot! Provide 24/7 access to high-quality, consistent massages designed for muscle recovery and relaxation after workouts.
Bring next-level recovery to your fitness center today!
The massage
designed for wellness
The massage
designed for wellness
Beyond convenient.
Beyond convenient.
24/7 consistent
The robot never gets tired, and will always give you the pressure you want. Also for night owls.
The robot never gets tired, and will always give you the pressure you want. Also for night owls.
Safe & inclusive
Anyone, regardless of their background, can safely and freely use Self for effective relaxation.
Anyone, regardless of their background, can safely and freely use Self for effective relaxation.
Man kunne selv regulere hårdhedsgrad. Maskinen fik virkelig fat i musklerne afslappende/luksus
Man kunne selv regulere hårdhedsgrad. Maskinen fik virkelig fat i musklerne afslappende/luksus
Virkningen, positiv overraskede, giver en god dybde i musklerne - love it
Virkningen, positiv overraskede, giver en god dybde i musklerne - love it
Afslappende følelse i kroppen
Afslappende følelse i kroppen
Selvom det er en robot kunne det tilpasses
Selvom det er en robot kunne det tilpasses
Det føltes enormt rart!
Det føltes enormt rart!
Calculations based on having an average of 0 sessions per day, with a 10-minute buffer between sessions.
Offer massage
without worries.
Offer massage
without worries.